Part 85: I just want to say...thank you. So much. For always being my big brother...
-In My Heart-
Girl's Voice: Hey, Agate! Agate, c'mon...!

Heehee, are you looking forward to your birthday? I've got a preeeesent that I'm sure'll make you super-duper happy! ♪

Huh...Somethin' I'll like, huh? You gonna make something tasty for me?

What, noooo! Why would you think of food when I mention a birthday present?! Presents should be things that last, y'know? Something you treasure forever!

You really think so? Hmm, something that'll last and that I'll treasure...Hey, maybe a hunting knife or something?

You just GOT a hunting knife from the village elder, dummy!

The answer ACCESSORY! Handmade by yooours truly! It's, um, not done yet, though.

Wh-Whoa, hey! An 'accessory'? Like, what kind of accessory? I'm not a girl, y'know!

C'mon, Agate! You're so boring! Even boys can be stylish and cute if they have some kind of accessory! If you have one, Agate, even a stick in the mud like you will get aaaaaalllllll the ladies! ♪

Hey, c'mon, knock it off...

Do not want it? You've always taken care of me, so I wanted to give something back...I've been working really hard to make it, but if it's really not something you'd like...

Erk...Just...don't make it too cute or flashy, okay?!

Heehee! Don't worry. It's simple but cool. It'll fit you perfectly, Agate, I promise! Especially since you're so tall! Yeah, it'll be perfect, I bet.

Yeah, I get it, I get it. You've got me all curious now, so just...make it good, okay?

Ahaha, I will! Hey...Agate?

What is it, Mischa?

I just want to say...thank you. So much. For always being my big brother...

...A dream, huh?

This is...
Girl's Voice: Yeah, this should be good.


Oh, thank Aidios, you're awake!

H-How are your injuries? Do you feel okay?

Pffff, yeah, this is no--

Your wounds aren't healed at all yet!

Heh, c'mon. Stuff like this ain't a big deal. They'll heal fine even if you ignore 'em--

I promised I wouldn't let you out of bed until you were better!


No. Nnno. Nnnnnnnnnno.

I get it, I get it, already!


Sheesh. Gettin' all worked up over a buncha scratches...

Holy crap, it's nighttime already. Where the heck is everyone?

They all went back to the city for a while. They made some kind of promise with General Morgan, I think.

A promise with MORGAN?!
Tita conveyed Estelle's message to Agate.

Ah, I see. So they got Morgan moving, did they? The guild oughtta be hearin' from the army right about now, in that case.

Well hell, I can't just--


...'stay here' is what I wanna say, but on the other hand, it IS pretty late tonight.

We'll get out to Bose tomorrow morning.


Look, I've had a good, long rest. I'm seriously feeling better. These really are just scratches. They'll heal up even if I'm workin' hard. I'm fine, don't worry.

You're sure you're not forcing yourself?

Hey, give the veteran bracer a little bit of credit, here. I ain't so crazy as to go overboard on stuff like dragons or the society twice.
Bleublanc almost killed him, Walter almost killed him, Renne could have killed him if she'd used nastier drugs...this is Agate's sixth or seventh time overboard by my count.

...I can't keep puttin' you in danger, either.


Point is, I sure don't have the guts to anger my scary little nursemaid. Trust me a little, here.

Ooooh, Agate...

I guess you do look a lot better, though.

Told you, didn't I? I know my limits better than anyone.

Heehee...That's good...


Hey, what's wrong?


I swear to the Goddess, I ain't lyin'!

*sniff* N-No, that's not it...I'm so relieved...It's just



C'mon, shortstuff, calm down. I get it, I get it.

After charging off alone, I get broken like a twig in a fight I had no chance of winning...And then, on top of that, I made you do that crazy thing to protect me.

Y-Y-Y-Yeah! *sniff* Agate, you dummy!

I was so worried and I saw you get hurt and, and...!

Yeah, you're right...

I really am a complete idiot.
-Decision to Leave-

Feel a bit calmer now?


I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry like that.

Eesh. You sure know how to shock a guy, you know that? That whole thing sent shivers down my spine way worse than when I fought that silver-haired idiot.

*sniff* Ahaha...

Oh, yeah...

Um, Agate, are you hungry? I made some soup with some things the village elder left!

Ahh, that's what smelled so good. Right on.

...Wait, hold on. Why's the kitchen...?


Lemme look...Oh, you gotta be kidding me. There's a few spots that're a little different, but it looks just like it did back then.

Heh...I'm amazed it survived.


Oh, right. I'm probably losing you, aren't I? My place actually burned down ten years ago.

You mean...?

One of those incendiary shells from the Imperials hit it dead on. It caught fire instantly and burned down straight to the foundations.

I'd heard the village elder was his usual nutty self and had it rebuilt, but...Didn't think they'd try to put the furniture and decorations back together, even.


I never could bring myself to come in here before. Guess I really gotta tell them thanks, given how much they did.

...So, um, then...That's when...Mischa...


Hah. Secret's out, huh?

She was makin' me a present for my birthday. It was a handmade...accessory of some kind that she thought'd look good on me. When we were fleein' for the mountains, she ran back to the house to get it. And that's when the house was hit.


When they finally pulled her out, she was...burned pretty badly, let's put it that way. And even after everything she suffered, she still had that present clutched in her hands. The metal parts were hopelessly melted, but the stones were still okay.

Take a look.

It's pretty...

They ain't even septium, ain't even valuable. Just some pretty rocks. Probably somethin' she found down by the river.

I've lost count of the number of times I've thought, 'All for this?' S'funny, though, you know? I can't blame her or get angry at her for it.

I never intended for it to be a memento of her. When I left the village, though, it was the only thing I couldn't part with. Even when I became a Raven down in Ruan.

Haha. Pretty pathetic for a thug, right?

No, not at all!

No. It's pretty damn pathetic. Long as I could hold on to this, I could also hold on to my anger.

My anger at myself, my anger at the worthless, spineless son of a bitch who couldn't even save his own sister.


I ended up puttin' all that pent-up rage into every swing of my sword. So long as I did that, I could at least look like I was keepin' it together.

...A half-baked man trapped by rage and self-deception and unable to move on. Heheh. It's exactly like that bastard said.


Nah. It's worse, ain't it? I'm just a piece of shit who runs away from anything painful. I'm the thing I hate most. A goddamned loser of a dog runnin' around with my tail between my legs.
Ha-ha-ha...I'm pathetic! Absolutely pathetic!


-Where The Bonds Are-

I, um...don't really understand how you feel, Agate...I don't think I can really try to understand what makes you feel so hurt.

But I think I need to say something. In Mischa's place.

Don't you DARE make fun of my big brother!

You don't know the first THING about what makes my brother such a good guy! I know my brother better than anyone else!

I won't let anyone talk badly about my brother, even if it's you yourself!



I know I might not measure up to Mischa, but, but...I still know a lot of good things about you, Agate! And, and so, it makes me so sad to hear you say such bad things about yourself...It made me kind of angry despite not really understanding what you meant...And, and...and...


...Hahaha. Oh, man.

Bustin' out the lectures, soundin' exactly like Mischa. You sure are acting grown-up, shortstuff.

D-Don't treat me like a kid! I, I just...

I was really sad...and really angry.

Sad and angry...

I don't know the first thing about myself, huh? You really hit it on the head.


Thanks, Tita. You really helped me see it.


There ain't no point in tryin' to judge yourself when all you can see is your own, limited vision of yourself. All you can really do is plow on. Anger, sadness...Neither have anything to do with it. You just have to go straight on until you find an answer.

Heh, maybe then...